Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

A Narative text

This was a nice memory when I was retaking a short semester of the third writing
thank a lot for Mr. Dedi Irwansyah M.Hum who always guides us to write well.
It was the first time I got A-,.......LOL, good enough..!
sir, you are my inspiration, trust me..It's worth..

My Nice Experience 
I had got a nice experience in pare which has been famous with an english village. Two years ago I went to there with my friend Ady mifarizki who was an English education student of state Islamic collage of Jurai Siwo Metro, so was I. Something which I could not forget was a moment when we met with a dutch. In which we ate the dutch was there. Firstly we were nervous because, we had no bravery to speak with her.  Moreover we could neither speak Dutch nor English well. But we forced our own self speaking to get something new from her.  We were talking about her culture a lot. Moreover talking about Dutch was interesting too. Starting from introduction we change one topic to other one.

            We made a conversation more and less for two hours. During we were talking anything, we ate some meal. The funny story we could not forget was when the duch, Dephy, was eating pecel. Pecel is a traditional food from java, exactly Madiun. Because it was the first time for Dephy ate pecel she tasted Pecel with closed eyes. She talked to me that Pecel had a unique taste.” It was a hot that I never had this food” she said. I just laughed loudly. I thought that it was a nice experience in pare which was unforgettable for me.

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